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Xiamen decoration: switch socket design aspects that need attention
Editor:    Click:   Date: 2013-04-27

it is home improvement, sockets and switches are very humble link, but these small part of people's daily lives. As part of covert project, once the design is not in place, change to go dark line engineering larger and trouble walking or using open wire patch panel is not only unsightly, but also to the future life of inconvenience. Thus, in the early decoration designers must communicate well with Xiamen, fight for switches and sockets designed in one step. Here is the switch socket design aspects that need attention:

(A) it is important to communicate with the owners

For the position of switch socket set, we must first fully understand the owner's living habits, living environment through feelings and conversations owners, understand that the owners have extraordinary hobby.

According to the owners lifestyle and actual demand, as well as economic conditions and investment property owners to finalize the entire design, the designers have to communicate with the owners, the owners are really needed to see this design. Only a real understanding of the owner's living habits in order to design truly meet the needs of the owners switch socket system, so as to bring the owners live life thoughtful convenience.

(2) to match decor

In the pre-selection switch panel and a socket on a white gray silver switch consumers to consider when buying the finished color, style and style of furniture and decoration with Xiamen.

(3) carefully designed to increase convenience

If you want to ensure that the design 3-5 years of persistence, we must foresee 3-5 years home owners living pattern of processing that occurs, the extraordinary is easy to change places, such as water dispenser location. Usually the owners would consider on the sofa around, but the designers to reference the entire living room layout, considering the sofa can be placed, which has several ways, depending on such considerations to set the socket switch position, try not to change while due to space affect the entire decoration.

The switch design, we must consider each space conversion in the most comfortable, and then to consider the pattern set switch position, as far as possible to minimize the inconvenience factor.

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